Most Recent…



Life in a post-coronavirus world: will it feel so very different? 200619
Week Off 200512
Week Off 200505
The miracle cure for life’s problems? More of what you’re already doing 200529
Week Off 200522
Don’t pretend these aren’t dark times: acceptance can be bracing 200515
How to have fun during lockdown 200508
Is expecting the worst the best way to handle the coronavirus crisis? 200501
Week Off 200424
No spare time in lockdown? That’s not such a bad thing 200417
If something’s out of your control, should you still worry about it? 200410
Focus on the things you can control: how to cope with radical uncertainty 200328
Got a problem to fix? Don’t even try—it’s better to think afresh 200320
Would a society of moral saints be a worse place to live? 200313
Some life problems aren’t especially hard to fix—as long as they’re not rushed 200306
Week off 200228
Overwhelmed? Here’s how to stop your to-do list going stale 200214
How to stop the spread of fake news? Pause for a moment 200207
First Kondo, now cosy: but do you have to buy into lifestyle trends? 200131
Do you love doing the same thing over and over? …it doesn’t make you boring 200124
‘Delegate but the buck stops with you’: how to end the housework wars 200117
What drives the ‘moral grandstanding’ that has infected our politics? 200110
Are you living too much in the future at the expense of now? 200103


Week off 191227
Week off 191220
You can’t fix everything, so start by accepting life’s niggles 191213
Worried about the election? Don’t—it’s as futile as rewriting the past 191206
Dopamine fasting is a tech fad that sounds silly—but might just work 191129
Week off 191122
It’s not enough to have a day off: you need others to share it with. 191115
Modern politics is gripping, but don’t let it consume your life. 191108
Not enough hours in the day? Well, finding more may not help. 191101
When the pope offers writing advice, should you listen? 191025
Boomers ruined everything? …no time to play the generational blame game 101018
Is screen time damaging for your kids? No study can tell you that 191011
Jonathan Franzen’s right: you need to pick your battles 191004
Do as much as you can – not as little as you can get away with 190927
It’s not your fault? That doesn’t mean you’re off the hook 190920
Why playtime for adults won’t bring your childhood back 190913
Week Off 190906
Snowflake or tough cookie, you’re just hiding from pain 190830
Does overconsumption of bad TV lead to populism? 190823
There’s a reason the future is more troubling than the past 190816
Good luck finding true love with no drama – fulfilment takes work 190809
Members of the Uptighterati hate lateness: are we wrong? 190802
Most people will return a lost wallet. But are they still selfish at heart? 190726
Skipping a flight might not save the Arctic, but it means you care 190719
You can’t change the past, so why give advice to your younger self? 190712
Overwhelmed by your to-do lists? Try this simple solution 190705
The wrong side of history has become a crowded place. Time to rethink 190621
Honk if life’s moving too slowly? That’s not the answer 190614
Did you really have to watch Game Of Thrones? 190607
Danielle Steel is a prolific writer, but is that to be envied? 190531
You may be ‘settling’ for an imperfect partner–but life is full of compromise 190517
Why do so many mediocre men rise to the top? 190510
Why we judge other people’s relationships 190503
I don’t! Why a digital wedding startup will never work 190426
Is a daily routine all it’s cracked up to be? 190419
The new religion: why trying to be perfect is doomed to fail 190412
Forget their future-worry about what your kids are doing now 190405
Week Off 190329
Why feedback is never worthwhile 190322
There’s an epidemic of alarmism–but don’t panic 190315
Why it pays to cut yourself some slack 190301
Want to live longer? Now ask yourself why 190215
Think a tidy house will lead to a tidy life? Think again 190208
Just because you’re older doesn’t mean your tech fears are unfounded 190201
Life admin is boring and ceaseless – but these tricks can help 190125
Sexist? Bigoted? Aren’t we all? 190118
Living in the moment? Good-but don’t forget the past or future 190111
Resolutions abandoned already? Good. Now the real battles can begin 190104


Too many problems? Maybe coping isn’t the answer 181221
Don’t be shy: a dose of narcissism is good for you 181214
‘What problem?’ When tricky solutions prompt an easy answer 181207
Do we need an antidote to perfectionism? 181130
Why it’s wise to give people advice 181123
Open-plan office? No, thanks – I’d rather get some work done 181109
Why are we surprised that therapy has its downsides? 181102
Even the very smart can be incredibly stupid 181026
Find it hard to make a big decision? Don’t overthink it 181019
Why do we feel so busy? It’s all our hidden ‘shadow work’ 181012
Is the secret of productivity really just doing what you enjoy? 181005
Why it’s OK to send restaurant food back 180921
Confused by the latest dietary advice? Here’s why not to be 180914
How a longer walk to baggage reclaim cut complaints 180907
Don’t dwell on what you might have done in 1930s Germany 180831
Week Off 180824
If you want to have a good time, ask a Buddhist 180817
Week Off 180810
For a good night’s sleep, ditch the sexism 180803
Focus on what’s important, not just urgent 180727
Are things getting worse–or does it just feel that way? 180720
Can you trust Big Tech to cure you of your smartphone habit? 180713
Hate where you live? So does everyone else 180706
Will email overload be solved by artificial intelligence? 180629
Why hypothetical thinking is only a pale imitation of real life 180622
Should we trust people whose politics differ from ours? 180615
When is an exception not an exception? 180608
What’s the best way to avoid regrets? 180601
Life is too messy for absolute certainty. And that’s a fact 180518
What if you really don’t have enough time to do it all? 180511
Think you’re special? That just proves you’re normal 180504
Your success isn’t down to free will–luck determines everything 180427
Can’t sleep? Tell yourself it’s not a big deal 180420
If you move a meeting forward, what does that really mean? 180413
Headlines making you anxious? Delay reading them 180406
Is the absent-minded genius just a very clever jerk? 180330
Do meditators annoy you? Try meditating 180323
The self-help guru we love to hate. But why join the herd? 180316
Why you should invest your time as wisely as your money 180309
Just because they haven’t replied… doesn’t mean they’re ignoring you 180302
Awkward moments: are they something to celebrate? 180223
Is your partner micro-cheating? Let’s face it, whose isn’t? 180216
Don’t knock Donald Trump for playing so much golf. Here’s why 180209
The good news about regrets 180202
Addicted to digital technology? Here’s how to beat the habit 180126
Meditation: how to make yourself sit down and do the damn thing 180119
Stop racing. You’ll still get there just as quickly 180112
Got high hopes for 2018? Lower them, or you may be heading for a fall 180105


At the end of the day, escape, don’t marinate in politics 171222
How do you know if you’re a jerk? 171215
Will you be able to afford a flat if you stop buying avocado toast? 171208
Shun reality TV but binge on news? Don’t be fooled 171124
Are our dreams trying to tell us something—or should we sleep on it? 171117
Christmas shopping online? Don’t fall into the ratings trap 171110
Are the Amish right about new technology? 171103
Lonely? Short of friends? Try looking at it differently 171027
Why pessimists have a reason to be cheerful 171020
Why it’s good to be full of emptiness 171013
Is your new phone really your friend? 170929
Do we really need therapy? 170922
Consumed by anxiety? Give it a day or two 170915
Sleep: how much do you really get? 170908
Don’t treat love or leisure like a job 170901
Slob versus neatnik: it’s time to come clean 170825
Why cold showers are all the rage 170818
Let’s hear it for the four-hour working day 170811
Fancy a life swap with Donald Trump? No, thanks 170804
Stabbing children with disease-ridden needles: good idea or bad? 170728
Actually, we can buy happiness 170721
Is it always good to talk? 170714
How do you handle an armed robber? Offer him a glass of wine 170707
Perfect partner turned out to have a flaw? Here’s what to do 170630
Want to be more creative? Schedule a break 170623
What’s more frightening than an evil world leader? A stupid one 170616
Does the future hold the key to happiness? 170609
Bored? Now you know why 170602
Think you’re self-aware? Think again 170526
Putting off the important things? It’s not for the reasons you think 170519
It’s hard to talk about mental health at the best of times… 170512
Will you regret later what you’re doing now? Don’t even think about it. 170505
Do bigots just lack imagination? 170428
Want to live twice as long? Meditation might help 170421
How to stop feeling insignificant 170407
Can you prevent rows about household tasks? 170331
Who do you think you are—and how bad could you be? 170324
Is writer’s block a real thing, or just a figment of the imagination? 170317
Want to feel magic? Ditch Netflix, dump the phone—and get outside 170310
Get real: why analogue refuses to die 170303
Does ignorance have an upside? 170224
Angry? Don’t let it get to you and you’ll make a bigger difference 170217
Why do people hate hypocrites? 170210
Why words bend the truth: the disturbing fact about memory 170203
Calm down! Anxiety is contagious 170127
How to get stuff done (and maybe change the world, too) 170120
Moderates are the real tough guys 170113
Maternity Leave 170106


Maternity Leave 161230
Maternity Leave 161223
Are you too old to find success? 161216
Maternity Leave 161209
Maternity Leave 161202
How to talk to strangers 161125
Why rewards can backfire 161118
How to cope with loneliness 161111
Can moaning ever make you happy? 161104
…those who realise they’re winging it, and those who don’t 161028
Want to boost confidence? Channel Wonder Woman 161021
Find fun where you least expect it 161014
The pessimist’s cure for procrastination 161007
Why you need to count time, not money 160930
Self-discipline is overrated, so go easy on yourself 160923
Need a break? Don’t fall into the too-tired-to-rest trap 160916
Anger: does it need managing? 160909
Are the rules better off broken? 160902
When life deals a bad hand, the clever gambler will twist, not stick 160826
Is there a bit of Donald Trump in all of us? 160819
Need to declutter? Don’t bother 160812
Maybe you don’t have as much choice as you think 160805
Want an antidote to chaos in the world? Maybe Obama has the answer 160729
Why it’s healthy to take a break from your online persona 160721
Shuffle your thoughts and sleep 160714
Why you should be nice to your robots 160708
How to stay happy when the sky is falling in 160702
A must-read book? Go on, make me 160624
A must-read book? Go on, make me 160624
Spooky! Messages from the beyond or just coincidence? 160617
Can’t always get what you want? Don’t worry 160610
Want to imbibe wisdom by accident? 160603
Are your friends really your friends? 160527
Exhausted? It’s time to focus 160520
Is your penis really shrinking? 160513
Don’t think you’re lucky? Think again 160506
Why thinking like a computer scientist can help with big decisions 160429
Ethical consumers are unattractive and boring, aren’t they? 160422
How to deal with email overload 160415
Can you love your daily commute? 160408
Do you need to be troubled to be a genius? 160401
Give up life’s luxuries? It’s not that easy 160325
What does your inner voice say to you? 160318
Want to get things done? Stop thinking, start doing 160311
Why complex questions can have simple answers 160304
Gratitude: yes please or no thanks? 160212
Can you make your own happiness? 160205
Too busy to focus? Try this 160129
Is it ever OK to queue-jump? 160122
Is less news good news? 160115
Is our destiny in our own hands? 160108
New year, new you? Forget it 160101


Want to be happy? Join a choir 151218
What’s the secret of good writing? 151211
The truth about corporate lies 151204
Discriminate, but do it well 151127
Could you do away with to-do lists? 151120
Do you overfunction or underfunction in a relationship? 151113
Why cabin fantasies shut out reality 151106
What’s so great about true grit? 151030
Put your life into flight mode 151023
Does creativity scare you? 151016
Can you have friends at work 151009
Can you shop your way to happiness? 151002
Why I still drink eight glasses of water a day 150925
Are machines making humans obsolete?150918
Why don’t we take our own advice? 150911
What’s the point of efficiency if you’re in a rush to finish something trivial? 150908
Can’t sleep? Try getting less 150828
Why patience really is a virtue 080821
What is an emotion? 150814
Exploiting gullible people is a modern form of mining 150807
Go tell the boss: let me work less and I’ll produce more 150731Parlez-vous Scientologist? 150724
More sex please, but just don’t tell us to do it 150717
Too busy to be polite? Gt stfd 150710
Why CBT is falling out of favour 150703
What unread books can teach us 150626
No regrets? Why not? 150619
Don’t be fooled by a know-all 150612
Is shirking just a smarter way of working? 150605
Don’t fear the reaper 150529
When raising awareness backfires 150522
Is stress bad for your health? 150515
Can you learn life lessons from monks and nuns? 150508
Does life have a beginning, middle and an end? 150501
Life, like the election, is about trade-offs. You can’t have, or do, it all 150424
How to influence the way other people see you 150417
The joys of physical synchrony 150410
How to find time to read 150403
Your next big idea is still out there 150327
You’re happy? Then I’m happy (maybe) 150320
Why ambivalence has good and bad points 159313
Feel like you’re drowning in.. to-do lists? Relax—it’s all in the mind 150306
Beware the gravitational pull of mediocrity 150227
Why we reveal more than we realise 150220
Would you pay for a little peace and quiet? 150213
The art of taking action. Or not 150206
Why we tell strangers our secrets 150130
Why getting what you want doesn’t always make you happy 150123
It’s time to dust off the word weltschmerz 150116
What’s the real joy of giving? 150109
New Year’s resolutions worth making 150102


Family mind games at Christmas 141218
Time management: think of it in terms of assets and debts 141212
Do socks and forks have feelings? 141205
Getting upset over trivial matters? There’s a rational explanation 141128
Free will: are we just slaves to our bodies? 141121
Don’t get caught in the monkey trap 141114
Want to succeed? You need systems not goals 141107
The trouble with modern friendship 141031
Spiritual but not religious? You’re not alone 141024
The joy of missing out 141017
Random decisions 141010
Morning Pages 141003
False reasons 140926
Empathy 140919
The importance of temporal landmarks 140913
Habit chaining 140906
Mise en place 140830
Sleep Hygiene 140823
A holiday shared is a break for us all 140816
If it’s good for you, it can’t be nice 140809
What not to say 140802
Invisibles 140726
Just sit down and think 140719
Can you think yourself well? 140712
Precrastination 140705
How to think about writing 140628
We mustn’t ignore attention-seekers 140621
Are you wasting your warmth? 140614
Near enemies 140607
The best dating advice? Wait and see 140531
The what-the-hell effect 140524
Good advice from bad people 140517
Hindsight—it’s not just for past events 140510
Open-plan offices 140503
Profiting from giving isn’t always bad 140426
Stop being busy 140419
The case against hope 140412
Interestingness v truth 140405
Want to get ahead? Move to Perth 140329
Where heaven and Earth collide 140322
Other minds 140315
The perils of feedback 140308
Join the management 140301
The poor rich 140222
Inboxes rock! 140215
Obvious answers 140208
The taxi-meter effect 140201
Consistency bias 140125
Gut feelings 140118
Triple constraints 140111
Must a year last 52 weeks? 140104


Think aikido 131221
Don’t blame the lazy. It may not be their fault 131214
Don’t let your friendships die of neglect 131207
Don’t know what to do next? Wait and see 131130
Hairy arm tactics 131123
Why are ethicists so unethical? 131116
Do you feel a fraud? 131109
Cut yourself some slack 131102
Why confidence is overrated 131026
The truth about inefficiency 131019
The truth about happiness 131012
Don’t say ‘I can’t’ if you can say ‘I don’t’ 131005
The secret of true misery 130928
Is unhappiness the mother of invention? 130921
Stop rating your whole self 130914
How to tell whether you have a bullshit job 130907
Why terrorists make lousy bosses 130831
Decisions, decisions 130824
Don’t die without an action plan 130817
The guru who didn’t believe in gurus 130810
You snooze, you lose 130803
Why do we undervalue what we’re good at? 130727
Anonymity isn’t just for crooks and trolls 130720
Coffee and creativity 130713
Clearer costs, better decisions 130706
Bragging rights and wrongs 130629
what’s so wrong about giving up on a book? 130622
Embrace the schedule 130615
Unspeakable emotions 150608
Loneliness and temperature 130601
Deepities 130525
It’s good to tut 130518
Don’t let your imaginary friends lead you astray 130511
Why Rolf Dobelli isn’t thinking clearly 130504
Can you ever know your luck? 130427
Learn to work like Karl Marx 130420
Does choice always come at a price? 130413
Transformative experiences 130406
The joy of losing 130330
Make the most of your guilt 130323 REVISIT THIS…
Nature and nurture 130316
Life-choice evangelists 130309
Running your family like a business 130302
Helsinki Bus Station Theory 130223
Do you believe in brainwashing? 130216
Do you own gadgets – or do they own you? 130209
The truth about managers 130202
The trouble with smarter, not harder 130126
The end-of-history illusion 130119
Creative thinking 130112
Settling 130105

The perfect Christmas 121221
Posteriorities 121214 REVISIT THIS…
Adjust your defaults 121207
Don’t let an asshole get to you 121130
Pseudoscience 121123
Consumer options 121116
The harsh realities of relationships 121109
Information overload 121102
Richard Branson, master of the bleeding obvious 121026
Selfishness 121019
The unexamined life might be worth living 121012
Self-perception theory 121005
What can we really learn from Obama? 120928
Complainers 120921
How do you know what you don’t know? 120914
Structured procrastination 120907
Has Pelmanism’s time come at last? 120831
Were we living the Olympic dream, or was it mass delirium? 120824
Other people’s schedules 120817
Make time for yourself by giving time to others 120810
Will as a skill 120803 REVISIT THIS…
Morbid curiosity 120727
Inner labelling 120720
Operations management 120713
Anal retentives of the world, unite! 120706
Unsung skills 120629
Cut us some slack 120622
Just say no 120608
Use cash, save money 120601
Outsourcing yourself 120525
Underachieving 120518
Savour the fantasies of others 120511
When is a brick not a brick? 120504
The mind-body connection 120427
Restaurant rules 120420
Honesty 120413
Reverse incentives 120330
Anti-inspiration 120323
When present self meets future self 120316
Asked a tricky question? Answer an easier one 120309
New seekers 120302
The two things 120224
Is there such a thing as an afternoon person? 120217
Rudeness 120210
Introverts 120203
Emotions as equations 120127
The art of forgetting 120120
Third person perfect 120113
Staying calm 120106

The language police 111216 REVISIT THIS…
Outsourcing ignorance 111209
Design thinking 111202 REVISIT THIS…
Age and creativity 111125
Burning bridges 111118
The just world bias 111111
Automaticity 111104
Inspirational quotes 111028
Macho creativity advice 111021
A question of small talk 111014
Closure 111007
Flattery 110930
The secret to winning the war on email 110923
But is it contagious? 110916
Small victories 110909
Contrast 110902
Signs 110826
Should memory boxes be given the boot? 110819
The labour illusion 110812
Clocking off 110805
Do you really need a brand called you? 110729
Poverty and willpower 110722 REVISIT THIS…
Yes, yes, yes 110715 REVISIT THIS…
Feel the ugh and do it anyway 110708
Tempo trouble 110701 REVISIT THIS…
An alternative to Ritalin and hugs 110624 REVISIT THIS…
Radical? Really? 110617 REVISIT THIS…
The final frontier? 110610 REVISIT THIS…
The Golden Rule of Triggers 110603 REVISIT THIS…
Military manoeuvres 110527
Decision Quicksand 110520
Annoyance 110513
The science of happiness 110506
Rules 110429
Get into the habit of random rewards 110422 REVISIT THIS…
Let’s get physical 110415 REVISIT THIS…
Existential indifference 110401
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2011/mar/26/advice-from-the-dying-burkeman 110325
The calm before the storm 110318
The emotional calendar 110311
Weighty issues 110304 REVISIT THIS…
The waiting-for list 110225 REVISIT THIS…
Admiration, an honourable emotion 110218
Mediocrity sucks, but who cares? 110211
The multitasker’s lot is not always a happy one 110204
Has thinking outside the box had its day? 110128
Tim Ferriss for real? 110121
Written all over your face? 110114
Vaguely familiar 110107

‘Tis the season to get work done 101217
With friends like these… 101210
Present tense 101203
The power of persuasion 101126
Note-taking 101119
Watch out for superachievers 101112
What’s the worst that could happen? 101105
The truth about cats and dogs 101029
Multiple choice 101022
The wit and wisdom of Mark Twain 101015
Sealing off worries 101008
The ‘cult of less’ 101001
To be or not to be taken for granted 100924
Weirdness just got weirder 100917
The Protestant work ethic 100910
Power to the people… or not 100903
The Politeness Enforcement Tactic 100827
Couch potatoes v creators 100820
Just the job 100813
The art of remembering 100806
Forgiveness 100730
A step in the right direction 100723
What I wish I’d known 100716
How real are your memories? 100709
Is it really a case of innovate and die? 100702
Trailblazing in cognitive therapy 100625
From alief to belief 100618
Don’t look up 100611
Limiting the hours worked increases output 100604
Make a book of your own 100528
Can’t sleep, don’t sleep 100521
Why trivia is so important 100514
Are you an Asker or a Guesser? 100507
Commuter error? 100430
The beauty in imperfection 100423
Spam—is email only the start? 100416
Will the man with no head blow your mind? 100409
Is self-discipline the key to success? 100402
The secret of good leadership 100326
What’s your problem? 100319
A frightening prospect 100312
With friends like these… 100305
s it really hip to be glum? 100227
Is the easy option simply mental laziness? 100219
Seven—a magic number? 100212
The insulted and the injured 100205
With friends like these… 100129
Short cuts for taking everyday decisions 100122
To be or not to be… 100115 REVISIT THIS…!
Sad Sundays 100108
The number’s up 100101

Check out checklists 091218
The passion for passions 091211
With friends like these… 091204
Perfect timing 091127
Terrible analogies 091120
Anger 091113
Hands up who’s got a backlog? 091106 REVISIT THIS…!
Sudden exposure 091030
What’s in a name? 091023 JEFF IS A JEWISH JOURNALIST…?
Making and breaking habits 091009 REVISIT THIS…!
Are some emotions untranslatable? 091002
True masters will rarely give advice about their field 090926
It’s not easy always being right 090919
9-to-5 or free and easy? 090911
Sounding off about excessive noise 090904
Why bother learning new stuff? 090828
Conspicuous consumption 090814
Fresh starts 090807
Can we make ourselves interesting? 090731
Ignorance v knowledge 090724
Being tempted by the call of the perverse 090717
The case of the disobedient shower 090710
The worst that could happen? Bring it on 090703
Goals to achieve? Will telling others help? 090626
The strange incidence of coincidence 090619
How to think yourself young 090612
Is it work? Is it play? The trouble with weisure 090605
A curious mind is an active mind 090529
Ordinariness 090522
On the kindness of strangers 090515
Index cards are pretty cool 090508 REVISIT THIS…!
Is a worst-case scenario really just that? 090501
Parenthood 090424
Bad habits 090417
Are we too careful with money these days? 090410
Distrust pseudoscience? What a coincidence 090403
Log your days and reap the benefits 090327
The only way is up—or is it down? 090320
Bad apples or just a rotten barrel? 090313
We’re all too busy, but is it just an excuse? 090306
It’s no joke—frugality can be fun 090227
Mr Everyman, you do not have illimitable powers 090220
Soundbites don’t always resonate for the right reasons 090213
Self-discipline 090206
Should we hang out with people we don’t like 090130
System for success 090123
The purpose of embarassment 090116
Incompetence in the workplace 090109
Things to Do Before You Die lists 090102

Merry Christmas 081219
This will feel all wrong 081212
Time management 081205
Loneliness 081128
Serendipity 081121
The happiness of multiple goals 081114
The Psychology Of Waiting Lines 081107
How to make a decision 081031
Stimulating the intellect 081024
Reminiscence 081017
Gossip 081010
To-do lists 081003
Question Your Gut 080926
Stress vs. Strain 080919
Oprah Winfrey 080912
Interstitial time 080905
The Majesty Of Calmness 080830
Learning to accept 080823
No meetings, ever 080815
The Secret —still the bestselling book on Amazon 080808
Why everything takes longer than you think 080801
Don’t sweat the small stuff 080725
The Simple Life is hard work 080718
Why self-imposed happiness isn’t the real deal 080704
Awe, the 11th emotion 080606
Ambition is not really weird 080530
How to be useful 080523
Living down to expectations 080425
Close a few doors 080418
Clutter and stuff 080411
Morning routines 080404
Willpower 080328
Getting Ideas 080321
Seeking the Quick Fix 080314
The role of money in happiness 080307
Physician heal thyself 080229
Oliver Burkeman is a Virgo 080222
The Ben Franklin effect 080215
Comfort zones are comfortable for a reason 080208
The art of zen 080201
Anger management 080126
Strategic Incompetence 080119
Logging on 080112
The law of the Sex Shop 080105


Jerry Harvey’s The Abilene Paradox 071222
We regret not doing more than doing 071215
Obsession with productivity 071208
The game of life 071124
Delusions of grandeur 071117
Quick, look busy! 071110
Taking responsibility 071103
Specialists vs the non-specialists 071026
The ‘useless emotion’ 071019
Pro-active procrastination 071012
Why we make the stupid choices we make 071005
The relativity of time 070928
Longing for nature 070921
Extreme Moderation 070914
Audio healing 070907
Email junkies 070831
The artful economist 070824
Feel good, feel bad 070817
No laughing matter 070810
Break the routine 070803
Is less really the new more? 070728
This column will change your life 070714
Reverse psychology 070707
Know who you are 070629
The elusive secret of wealth 070622
The rise of the anti-self-help movement 070615
This column will change your life 070608
Gay abandon 070601
The power of writing 070518
Smile! This is a robbery 070511
Living it to the full 070504
Losers 070427
Selling sleep 070414
Does life always have to be about fighting? 070407
Brain teaser 070331
The happiest village in Britain 070324
Grey matter 070317
The hedonic treadmill 070303
Right out of order 070224
Eradicate interruptions 070217
Help yourself 070210
Rise And Shine 070203
A right mess 070127
The joy of giving 070120
Pack up your troubles 070113
Cheque mate 070106


Chicken soup for the soul 061223
Scientology 061209
Clutter 061202
Depressive Realism 061125
Self-help books 061118
Lifehacking 061111
Stop, chat, go 061103
Day Napping 061028
Self-help books 061120
Keeping your email inbox under control 061013
Discovering the secret of happiness 061006
This column will change your life 060929


Oliver Burkeman—1999-2006

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